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wtorek, 10 marca 2020

Peter Rabbit Easter Eggs Decorations

Hi everyone 馃槉 Easter it's closer and closer and I have few craft inspiration for you to show.
I will start with my Easter Eggs I made : 

I made them using DECOUPAGE and MIXED MEDIA technique , unfortunately didnt make any tutorial, but you can find lots on you tube .

I can show you my video of already made egg to see full effect

 if doesnt work you can see on page :

This egg it's very light as a base its made from polystyrene , flowers and those elements around been made from light air dry clay- attached before its fully dry.
To pain I used acrylic paints

Thank you for your visit if you would like to see more pictures of those eggs you are welcome on my Facebook page:

I am very interested what you think ,please let me know in comment.

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