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wtorek, 24 marca 2020

My handmade flowers stamens- moje r臋cznie robione pr臋ciki do kwiat贸w

馃嚨馃嚤Hejka ,mamy do艣膰 ci臋偶kie czasy ostatnio , jedni z nas maj膮 za du偶o czasu a inni za ma艂o. Ja nale偶臋 do tych drugich, ale mimo to pr贸buj臋 znale藕膰 troch臋 czasu aby uczy膰 si臋 nowych rzeczy. Dzisiaj poka偶e Wam jak 膰wicz臋 robienie precik贸w do kwiat贸w oraz podam wam link do tutorialu kt贸ry mnie zainspirowa艂
馃嚞馃嚙Hi ,we all have a hard time lately, some of us have too much time and others the opposite. I am the one who doesn't have a time to do everything what need to be done, but I'm still trying to find even little bit of time to learn new things.Today I will show you how I am learning to make stamens for my flowers and I will show you link to the tutorial that inspired me.
馃嚨馃嚤Nie jest to ani 艂atwe ani trudne ,po prostu trzeba wprawy ,ale plusem jest to 偶e mo偶na zrobi膰 dowolny kolor i grubo艣膰 w zale偶no艣ci  od naszych potrzeb 
馃嚞馃嚙This is not easy or difficult just need bit practice, it's really handy that you can make any colour and shape you want.
馃嚨馃嚤Tutaj mozesz znale藕膰 jeden z wielu dost臋pnych tutoriali:
馃嚞馃嚙Here is one of lots available tutorials:

馃嚨馃嚤Dzi臋kuj臋 za odwiedziny 
               馃嚞馃嚙Thank you for your visit

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